
SiDiary for Blackberry 10

Since the new operating system 10 of BlackBerry (especially since firmware version 10.2.1.x) it is possible to install Android apps and we would like to show you how to do so.

To check your BlackBerry version, please open the system settings on your BlackBerry and then open 'Info'. At 'Softwareversion' you can find the currently installed firmware version. If your software version is too old you can update it in your system settings.

Installation instruction:

We would like to thank our user Taurec a lot for his guidance and detailed descripton in this case.

A Guide for the Android app is available here: (click me)

Diabetes App Blackberry

Now you can use SiDiary Online on your Blackberry with a great new user experience since we have redesigned the user interface from scratch for these mobile gadgets!

Even with an iPhone this solution can be used (as you can see in the screenshots below), but therefore we have a native app in the Apple App Store...

SiDiary Online ( will recognize your device and sends you to the new user interface at automatically.

There you can track all of your diabetes relevant data easily and it feels like a local app although it's a webapp.

The best thing is: You don't need to install anything!

SiDiary Online can be used without installing any tool and you can use it whereever you have an online connection. And of course you can synchronize your data to your SiDiary Windows PC version and do further analysis at home.

Here are some screenshots of the new user interface:

Login-Screen Start-Screen Profile
Login-Screen Start-Screen Profile

BG-Grid BG-Grid landscape Single Data Mask
BG-Grid BG-Grid landscape Single Data Mask

Trend Statistics Settings
Trend Statistics Settings

SiDiary Webapp was built with iWebKit.

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iPhone Diabetes App Android Diabetes App Windows Phone Diabetes App Diabetes logbook on the PC


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