To decide on amount of carbohydrate per BE (V5)
By default, in SiDiary 1BE equals 12 gr. Carbohydrates.In case you prefer other settings like, for instance 10 gr. Carbohydrates for 1 BE or KHE, you can change the value of the key 'ExchangeUnit' in the section 'Einstellungen' in the following way:
Open the file SiDiary.ini with any editor. The file is located in the program directory of SiDiary e.g. 'C:\Program Files\SINOVO\SiDiary'.
In this file find the section 'Einstellungen' and either add the key 'ExchangeUnit' or set its value the way you need it.
If you remove the key 'ExchangeUnit', SiDiary will calculate with 12 gr. KH = 1BE again.
Please note that it is not necessary to add this key to the INI file, unless you want SiDiary to use a value other than 12.
(This key is supported by version 4.0 or newer)