SiDiary doesn't synchronize data from my Pocket PC to my Windows desktop PC or vice versa!
The new version 5 includes the SiDiarySmartSync technology. We have implemented this because we saw from your questions that the configuration in the previous versions was too complicated. SiDiarySmartSync still needs to have MsActiveSync on your system, but the SiDIary will talk to the mobile devices directly.
We apologize for any inconvenience that we cannot give support for the freeware version 4 and related questions to this version! Here is the previous faq entry for this topic:
File synchronization between a Pocket PC device and a desktop computer is done by MsActiveSync. SiDiary can merge your data from both program versions but it needs to know the ActiveSync target folder on the desktop PC! (to be configured on the settings tab of SiDiary Windows client). The location of this "desktop-My Documents" folder can be easily found with the appropriate link on your desktop (Right click->Properties). In almost all cases with sync-trouble the data exchange folder wasn't configured properly!