SiDiary supports users of insulin pumps
Pumpers are just using a single insulin type that will be infused by their pump depending on the programmed basal profile. Additionally the pump will shed insulin units on demand to cover a carb intake or for correction purposes.
SiDiary can handle an unlimited number of basal profile
SiDiary supports blind people with diabetes
SINOVO has developed a special mode for SiDiary together with blind diabetics. This mode supports blind people with diabetes to work with SiDiary in combination with a screenreader (i.e. Cobra, Jaws etc.) with optimized SiDiary screens.
SiDiary supports kids & teens with diabetes
At first to fulfill the need for safety for all concerned parties, if your kid is using a smartphone version. This version comes with a great feature for all risk patients: It can send SMS messages in case of critical levels to a trusted person automatically
SiDiary supports women with gestational diabetes
The gestational diabetes (also known as diabetes type 4) is a diabetes type that appears during a pregnancy instead of a woman with diabetes getting pregnant.
This type of diabetes is formed back in most cases but the mother has to live with an increased risk to get a diabetes type
SiDiary supports people with type 2 diabetes
People with type 2 diabetes aren't primarily insulin-dependant.
Sometimes a base therapy with weight reduction and dieting or by using oral drugs could be sufficient.
Few diabetes software are providing the possibility to track pills as well as insulin together as a combinatio
SiDiary supports people with type 1 diabetes
People with type 1 diabetes must be treated with insulin generally. Most of them are treated with an ICT (Intensive Conventional Therapy).
This means that they must inject a long acting insulin for their basal need and additional injections with a fast acting insulin type for every carb intake
The intelligent diabetes management
SiDiary makes the control of diabetes so much easier. Data capturing is a cinch and analysis will help to improve your therapy.
We have included great new features with version 6 to help you getting started in the easiest way ever possible, even for computer rookies!
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Cómo recibir datos de la App a la versión PC
3. Ingresa tus datos en el formulario.
Como ya se mencionó anteriormente: Puedes usar un seudónimo, es decir, un nombre fantacioso. Pero por favor ten en cuenta que tu médico
(si en dado caso quisieras enviarle tu información) debe sin duda reconocerte, cuando envíes tu seudónimo y fecha de nacimiento.
Con tu usuario (o email) y contraseña puedes acceder después a tu cuenta. La barra de “Código de Seguridad” te muestra, cuan seguro es la
clave que eliges. Lo más seguro es elegir una combinación de letras mayúsculas, minúsculas, números y otros carácteres.
Haz clic sobre Términos y condiciones generales de uso para finalizar.
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