You will receive the transaction number to unlock the downloadable version by email.
No package will be send by postal mail!
- Pocket PC (Windows Pocket PC, Windows Ce)
- Mobile with Microsoft Windows Smartphone
- Smartphone/Tablet PC with Android Operating system
- Java-Mobile: (Note: Because there are a lot of different java-mobiles, please check the compatibility of the software first)
- Windows PC: (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7)
All available device driver (blood glucose meters, blood pressure meters, insulin pumps, pedometers etc.) are included in the PC version.
Please note, that because of technical issues the function 'Make your stick'
(here you can read more)is not available in the subscription-version!
To use the subscription version you need an internet connection, because the software needs to renew the license information every 30 days (or earlier if you want)
With the subscription version you are always 'up-to-date' because all product updates and upgrades are included in the subscription fee. The subscription is valid for one year and will not be renewed automatically, so you don't need to keep an eye to a notice period.
Subscription price for one year:
€ 19,95
show in US$
Information for non-European customers
Our prices includes 19% VAT, if necessary plus shipping costs