Detail logbook

In the screen Detail logbook you can track all your daily diabetes data. You will be able to do the entry very quick and efficiently, because the entry mask is build up very intuitive like the widely used hard copy versions of diabetes logbooks that you may have used before.




Click on any cell of the grid and enter a value - for example the blood glucose level or the insulin injections. You can define the data you want to enter in the logbook as you prefer it (see also chapter 6.5.3 „data types“). So you are not limited to the standard data types/categories of SiDiary!



You can mark a hypoglycemia (low sugar) depending upon strength with one minus (–) or a double minus (--), for example 60- or 47--. Even tracking a hypoglycemia without having taken a blood glucose reading is possible, e.g.     (-) or (--) can be entered without numeric values. The marked values are counted and shown separately in the statistics as the number of hypoglycemias.




To delete an entry of the logbook, just delete the entered value and click on Save. The time of day for this entry will then be deleted automatically




The row "Event" gives you the possibility to categorize your values in SiDiary. So you can declare for example a blood glucose value as „FBG - fasting blood glucose level“ or as a  „postprandial value“ (value after lunch).



The list of selectable events contains several standard entries. But you can also expand the list with your own entries (see also chapter 77 „Events“).



You can use the following system in the row with the insulin values to protocol a correction bolus and a meal bolus separate:  4+7. Such a data record stands for 4 insulin units correction bolus and 7 insulin units meal bolus. SiDiary sums the values for the statistics up to 11.


If you use more than one sort of tablets or insulin types e.g. for bolus injections, you can mark the intake / injection of the second medication with a star. For example  6* protocols the injection of the second bolus insulin in form of 6 units.




You can enter the blood pressure together with the pulse: Just enter your value like this format: 130/80/70 (systole/diastole/pulse). Systole = higher value; diastole = lower value



Enter your carbohydrate intakes, exchanges (as for example bread units or carbohydrate units), insulin or tablet information, blood pressure readings and exercises directly in the provided rows (see also chapter 6.7.3Settings“). In the window of the selected day you can also enter your body weight in the input box weight. You can add further information in the user defined text fields.


6.4.1 Enter data to logbook (F4)