
I get all screens in a language which I don't understand and I don't find where to change it into my preferred language?! (V5)

SiDiary displays a language selection screen on the very first start. If you've selected a different language by mistake and close this screen, you will then get all screens in the selected language! This could make it hard to find the right button for changing the language, if you don't know where it is located.

You have to go to the "Settings"-tab which is located as the second tab from the right. On this screen you will see some buttons at the bottom: In the PPC-version the "Language"-button is the button on the very right, the Windows-version has 3 buttons on this screen and the language button is the one in the middle of the three.

Here are some of the translations for A)Settings and B)Language which you probably have to deal with: German: A)Einstellg., B)Sprache; Dansk: A)Indstillng., B)Sprog; Italian: A)Impost., B)Lingua; French: A)Réglages, B)Langue; Czech: A)Nastaven., B)Jazyk.

If you have already opened the language selection screen but your preferred language isn't listed there, you have probably deleted your language files! The language files are named like SiDiaryXX.txt. You now need to re-install the software. After that you should see again all languages.

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